
《エディンバラ公 逝去関連 Up-date》

《エディンバラ公 逝去関連 Up-date》

4 / 11 (日)




Two of the Queen’s sons, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward have attended a service in All Saints Chapel at Royal Lodge in Windsor. 
Sophie Wessex and her daughter Lady Louise also attended. 
Prince Andrew Prince Andrew on his father: “He was a remarkable man. I loved him as a father. He was so calm. If you had a problem, he would think about. He was always somebody you could go to....We have lost the grandfather of the nation and I feel very sorry and supportive of my mother”.
Prince Philip’s youngest son, Edward said it was a “dreadful shock” and “very, very sad” the “extraordinary tributes” have been “so fantastic”. 
“He might have been our father, grandfather... but he meant so much to so many other people”.
( 📷 @parsnip001 from @pa )

Chatting after a church service at All Saints Chapel, at Royal Lodge, Windsor, Sophie Wessex spoke movingly of Prince Philip’s final moments.
“It was right for him. It was so gentle. It was just like somebody took him by the hand and off he went. Very, very peaceful. And that’s all you want for somebody isn’t it?”
A single TV camera was permitted to film this conversation by the Royal Household. And we were filming at the Chapel with the permission@of everyone there. 
( 🎥 @itvnews )



The Earl and Countess of Wessex, with their daughter Lady Louise Windsor, attend the Sunday service at the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge, Windsor

Sophie, Countess of Wessex (right), has described Price Philip's death as 'so gentle,' saying 'it's just like someone took him by the hand and off he went.' Sophie was among those attending a Sunday service at the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge in Windsor today

Prince Andrew said the Queen is 'an incredibly stoic person', but said Philip's death had left her grieving and 'she is feeling it more than anyone'

The Queen's car is seen arriving at Windsor Castle after walking her dogs at Frogmore. Along with the rest of the royal family, she is observing a two-week mourning period



A specially modified Land Rover, Naval procession and royal mourning: Prince Philip's funeral details are released by palace 

  • 2.40pm: Coffin emerges from State Entrance of Windsor Castle

The duke's coffin, accompanied by the Dean of Windsor and the Lord Chamberlain, will be moved to the State Entrance of Windsor Castle by a Bearer Party of The Queen's Company, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards.

The coffin will emerge and the Bearer Party will place it onto a specially modified Land Rover, which Philip helped to design, to transport it to St George's Chapel.

  • 2.45pm: The procession leaves for St George's Chapel

The procession from the state entrance to the West Steps of the chapel will take eight minutes.

The Prince of Wales and members of the royal family will take part in the procession on foot, immediately behind the duke's coffin, together with staff from Philip's household.

The route of the procession will be lined by representatives drawn from the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, the Highlanders, 4th Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland and the Royal Air Force.

Minute guns will be fired by the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery from the east lawn of Windsor Castle for the duration of the procession, and the Curfew Tower Bell will toll.

  • 2.53pm: The Land Rover reaches the West Steps of the chapel

A Guard of Honour and Band from The Rifles will receive the coffin at the foot of the West Steps, with the national anthem being played as the coffin enters Horseshoe Cloister.

A bearing party of Royal Marines will carry the coffin up the steps and pause for the minute's silence.

  • 3.00pm: National minute of silence

Following the minute's silence, the Dean of Windsor, together with the Archbishop of Canterbury, will receive the coffin at the top of the West Steps.

In keeping with coronavirus guidelines to limit guests inside the chapel, most of the procession will not enter the chapel, except for members of the royal family, and the duke's private secretary Archie Miller Bakewell.

The funeral service will begin as the coffin enters St George's Chapel.







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