
《ハリー王子&メーガン妃夫妻 Spotify”ホリデースペシャル”始動&アーチー君肉声!》《英国ロイヤルメンバー 2020年 公務数》《ザラさん&マイク・ティンダル氏一家のクリスマスがチラリ》

《ハリー王子&メーガン妃夫妻 Spotify first ”Archewell Audio podcast”&アーチー君肉声!》

12 / 29 (火)

『Podcast ”Archewell Audio ホリデースペシャル”ローンチ』

Archie's first podcast: Meghan and Harry feature 19-month-old son in star-studded first Spotify episode and coax him into wishing listeners a Happy New Year in his American accent

  • Couple will produce and host own shows, starting with holiday special today supported by famous friends
  • Their son Archie is invited on to the end of the 33-minute show where he says 'Happy New Year' in US accent
  • Archewell Audio guests include Elton John, James Corden, Stacey Abrams, Brené Brown and Deepak Chopra 
  • Couple's £30m ($40m) contract with Spotify seen as step towards their 'billion-dollar brand' after Netflix deal



”Archewell Audio”




Meghan said they asked people who 'inspire us' to appear on the podcast and give 'their thoughts on what they learned from 2020'. 

Sir Elton was a friend of Harry's mother Diana, Princess of Wales and has regularly supported her son over the years, while Corden was a guest at Harry and Meghan's wedding and was asked by the duke to perform at the couple's evening celebration. 

Other guests include Democrat activist Stacey Abrams, tennis star Naomi Osaka, American filmmaker and actor Tyler Perry, wellness icon Deepak Chopra and teenage activist Christina Adane from London, who campaigns on food issues.

”This Little Light of Mine”




The moment came as the gospel song This Little Light of Mine played out the episode.

The song was also heard at the end of Harry and Meghan's wedding in May 2018.

Before it played, Meghan explained, quoting Martin Luther King: "It was the music that we wanted playing when we started our lives together.
"Because as we all know, 'darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that'."

Harry continued, "The message of this song is one we hold so dearly.
"It’s about using the power we each have within us to make this world a better place."

Harry then adds: "Happy New Year, everyone. Stay safe out there."

Meghan echoes this: "Happy New Year! Thanks for listening."













At this point, Archie comes in, as Harry can be heard telling him: "You can speak into it."

Meghan asks her son: "Archie, is it fun?"

Archie responds: "Fun?"

Meghan laughs: "Fun!"

Harry says: "After me, ready? Happy. New."

Archie repeats after him: "Happy. New. Year."

Meghan responds: "Yay!"

The family of three can then be heard giggling and laughing aloud as the podcast ends.


During the podcast, the Duchess also subtly nodded to the year of controversy surrounding her young family following their departure from their royal duties.

She told listeners: "I'll say no matter what life throws at you guys, trust us when we say, love wins."


'Hi, I'm Harry - and I'm Meghan': Sussexes launch Spotify 'holiday special' with laid-back language and tribute to 'uncertainty and unthinkable loss' in 2020


Harry - 'Welcome to our 2020 holiday special from Archewell Audio. I'm Harry,.'

Meghan - 'And I'm Meghan. Thank you for joining us.'

H - 'We're glad you're here. As we all know, it's been a year. And we really want to honour the compassion and kindness that has helped so many people get through it.'

M - 'And at the same time to honour those who have experienced uncertainty and unthinkable loss. Our thoughts have been with you, especially during this holiday season.'

H - 'And in too many instances, people weren't able to be at a loved one's side or say goodbye as they would have wished.'

M - 'We also want to thank healthcare workers, frontline service workers and so many others for their sacrifices.'

H - 'Thank you, guys.'

M - 'Thank you.'

H - 'As we come to the end of this year and look to the future, let's hold onto the lessons we've learned about how important it is to take care of one another, and how meaningful our connections are, even when they're physically impossible.'

M - 'We thought what if we can bring together some people that inspire us, people we admire, and get their thoughts on what they learned from 2020. So we asked a few friends, and a lot of other folks... activists, poets...'

H - 'Athletes, writers...'

M - '... teachers, artists, people from all walks of life.'

[Each guest introduces themselves]

H – 'We asked them to record audio diaries and send them back to us. We were curious to hear what they'd reflect on when they had a moment to themselves without navigating the sometimes awkward dance of a video chat. Meaning no one having to say 'You're on mute' over and over again, which is probably one of the defining phrases of 2020.'

M – '[Laughs] It's so true. We wanted to know what they'll remember about this year, how they'd explain it to future generations, what they learned about themselves and what gives them hope. Their responses have given us a lot to think about. And it all came back to one thing – to the power of connection.'

H – 'We'll try not to interrupt too often, but we'll jump in here and there to make some intros. So sit back, grab a cosy beverage if you can. We hope this brings a little warmth, a smile and something to think about.'



Elton John - 'My name is Elton John. We were in the middle of a tour and then Covid started. It was very strange because we were going at full pelt and then all of a sudden we ground to a halt. 

'We've been keeping in touch with the phone and with Zoom.' 

Matt Haig - 'My name is Matt Haig and I am a writer.'

Meghan - 'I'm just gonna jump in here because Matt is being very modest. 

'He's the author of several books including the bestselling Notes on a Nervous Planet, which we love, as well as Reasons to Stay Alive. That second one is about his own experience of severe depression.'

Matt Haig - 'I was already in a bit of an anxiety dip as I often am in winter when the news started to come through so it fuelled all that. I'm addicted to the news and I found myself scrolling and scrolling, falling down Covid rabbit holes.

'We lost a close family friend, my dad's best man, to cancer and we weren't able to go to his funeral since it was immediate family only. 

'You never think you aren't going to be able to go to a close person's funeral.' 

Tyler Perry -  'The lowest moment came right before Thanksgiving. We were feeding 5,000 people at the studio and I got in the car to see the line and I realised 5,000 was not enough. 

'The need was so great there was thousands more cars and people than gifts and groceries we had. 

'To see people hungry and starving and children in the cars and people sleeping all night just to get groceries was heartbreaking on so many levels. 

'An optometrist says 2020 is about vision, eyesight and I think it really opened our eyes to what was going on.'

Harry - 'Someone who has helped a lot of people see things more clearly this year is Brene Brown who we think is awesome.' 

 [Meghan laughs]

H - 'She's a researcher, writer and podcaster. Her work is rooted in the study of vulnerability, shame and courage.' 

Brene Brown - 'I coped with the change this year one day at a time. Really back to basics. Sleep well, move well, eat well. 

'One of my biggest struggles was keeping my children safe while also giving them enough freedom to not have serious social disconnection and mental health issues.

'My team at work started every meeting with a two word check in. Two words that describe how you feel at the moment. It takes just five minutes to check where people are.' 

George the Poet - 'This year, to cope with all the change, I just took more pride in the little things. Had a deeper appreciation for going our for a walk, being able to see my loved ones and  it helped me to open my eyes to what was in front of me. 

'One of the hardest moments for me this year was when a pregnant loved one was hospitalised with Covid and forced into an early delivery. Fortunately, they made it but that was quite a scary moment.' 

H - 'As people around the world grapple with massive change and uncertainty this year and honestly, some very scary things like George has touched on there, our collective mental health has been at the forefront of people's minds, and rightly so. '

M - 'A lot of our guests touched on this and Rachel Cargle was one of them. She's a writer and an anti-racism activist and she's also the founder of the Loveland foundation which is an amazing organisation dedicated to bringing healing and mental health services to communities of colour, especially black women and girls.'

Rachel Cargle - 'Something I've learned this year is how much of a spiritual practice simplicity and solitude can be. One of the lowest moments was in June at the height of the pandemic when my mother was given a terminal cancer diagnosis. She has continued to heal and has far surpassed the terminal diagnosis but that moment happened to so many, we all had to fight through it in these times.' 

Stacey Abrams - 'I gave myself permission to watch all the TV I wanted, to read and to make mistakes. Most of all, I gave myself permission to be sad so I could find joy on the other side. 

'I love Georgia but that love was tested this year by the silence that met the murder of Ahmud Arbery. But they were also met with the persistence of young voices in the street who demanded change at the ballot box. 

'To see it in action was transformative.' 

José Andrés - 'My name is José Andrés and I am a cook.'

 H- 'Sorry, I have to jump in again because Jose is being incredibly humble. He is a cook and also owns amazing restaurants across the United States but on top of that he really empowers communities through food. He's the founder of the non-profit World Central Kitchen which provides meals to natural disasters all over the world.'

Jose - 'My lowest moment is when I was at my restaurant on March 14 and we were all closing. That was hard as any moment I've experienced in my life. 

'I didn't know when we'd be able to reopen and I had to tell people who have been with me fore 27 years that tomorrow they would not have a place to work. We were able to help by keeping all of them on payroll for five, six weeks.'

H- 'Jose would feel differently the next day when World Central Kitchen kicked into action.'

Jose - 'One of my happiest moments was the day after. I announced I was closing my restaurant and we moved from restaurants to trying to feed as many people as we could. 

'We began reacting to the trouble. When hospitals needed somebody to feed them, we showed up.'

M - 'For some of our guests, looking outward was the answer, while for others, they found the strength and the comfort they needed right at home.'

James Corden - 'I think what I've learned about myself is that I really don't have FOMO (fear of missing out). I'm very happy staying in. I think my relationship with my children has changed. Being with them has brought quite a lot of joy for me.'

M - 'Connection was crucial for all of us this year in whatever way we found it. Sometimes standing at distance, sometimes just through a screen and Loveland Foundation founder Rachel Cargle found community through an experiment with some of her favourite kids' books.' 

Rachel - 'One of the ways I thought I could serve was to hop on Live on my social media platforms once a day and read children's books. Children's books were a huge part of my childhood and I realised it was a way to give connectedness and downtime to children.' 

H - 'Christina Adane is a 17-year-old climate and food activist. She wants to make the world a healthier place for young people.' 

Christina Adane - 'During the first month of lockdown my friends and I would have a FaceTime call every day at 8pm. I felt very much connected with them. I feel like we had conversations that would have been difficult to have real life. It felt like we were more connected.'

H - 'And this is something we heard from others too.'

Naomi Osaka - 'I coped with all the change this year just by talking to my family a lot and playing with my sister a lot and it felt like she was by my side the whole time.'  

M - 'For Elton, video conferencing was more than just a way to connect.'

Elton John - 'I have an AA meeting from this house every Sunday and that's great. If it hadn't been for Zoom I don't know what we would have done. It's been a lifesaver.'

H -  '2020 was a year none of us could have ever imagined. We wanted to hear from our guests on what they would tell the future about this moment in time.'

[Guests take turns to share their thoughts] 

H - 'As we enter a New Year, both Brene and Rachel shared what's top of mind for them.'

Brene - 'I'm hoping empathy and accountability are in 2021 in equal measure.'

Rachel - 'I'm hoping the seemingly awakened minds and hearts of the world turn into footsteps of aciton.'

M - 'And some more things to hopeful for in 2021 from Naomi, Tyler and Jose.'

Naomi - 'I hope that all my friends and family stay safe and happy.'

Tyler - 'I want to see more smiles and I don't want to go back to a time where we can't hug people. '

Jose - 'What I hope is that we are only as good as the people around us.' 

M - 'For youth activist Christina this feels like a moment to take a step back. For the world to imagine a new future. To envision what could happen.'

Christina - 'I want serious steps to be taken to address the climate emergency. I want to see progressive steps towards true racial justice. I want truth and transparency from people in power.'

H - 'And for democracy advocate Stacey Abrams, it's all about the work to come.'

Stacey - 'All we can do is work for what we think is right.'

Elton John - 'I hope we can heal in 2021.'

H - 'Cheers for that Elton.'

M - 'So true. 

'So we also asked Hussain Manawer to share an audio recording with us and just as 2020 sparked reflection for most, it also sparked creativity.

'So when we received this, we knew we had to share it with you as a whole.'

H - 'Yes [Meghan laughs]. So, we have to play the whole thing for you. Take it away Hussain.' 

Hussain reads a poem about the year and how he hopes 2021 brings people happiness while remembering those who lost their lives in 2020. 

M - 'What an amazing, powerful piece of poetry Hussain, thank you so much for doing that for us.'

H- 'We're all so excited to look ahead to 2021 and we asked everyone to make a toast. A toast to the year ahead, a toast to our hopes for the future, a toast to all of us.'



M - 'And from us, I will say, no matter what life throws at you guys, trust us when we say, love wins.'

H - 'Love always wins.'

M – 'So true. Thank you to all of our guests, and with that we have something we want to share with you too.'

H – 'Not a toast per say, but a song which is about a shining a light, and a song that means so much to us.'

M – 'This Little Light of Mine, played at the very end of our wedding... while we were walking down the steps of the church. '

H – [hums the song]

M – 'It was the music that we wanted playing when we started our lives together, because as we all know, darkness cannot drive out darkness – only light can do that.'

H – 'The message of this song is one we hold so dearly. It's about using the power we each have within us to make this world a better place.'

[This Little Light of Mine is played]

H – 'Happy New Year, everyone.'

M – 'Happy New Year.'

H – 'Stay safe out there.'

M – 'Thanks for listening.'

[This Little Light of Mine continues]

H - 'You can speak into it.'

M - 'Archie, is it fun?'

Archie - 'Fun.'

M - 'Fun.'

H - 'After me, ready? Happy.'

A - 'Happy.'

M - 'New.'

H - 'New.'

A – 'New Year.'

H - [Laughing]

M – 'Yay.'

A – [Laughing]

The stars joining Meghan and Harry on their new podcast 

  • James Corden, actor and chat show host
  • Stacey Abrams, Democrat politician and activist
  • Christina Adane, young British food activist
  • José Andrés, celebrity chef
  • Brené Brown, wellbeing guru and podcaster
  • Rachel Cargle, founded a foundation
  • Deepak Chopra, alternative medicine advocate
  • Matt Haig, writer
  • Sir Elton John, musician
  • Hussain, poet and mental health activist
  • Naomi Osaka, tennis player
  • Tyler Perry, actor and writer
  • George The Poet, spoken word artist

The UK Spotify chart's top 20 podcasts

1. The Joe Rogan Experience

2. Sh**ged Married Annoyed

3. JaackMaate's Happy Hour

4. Times news briefing

5. Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster

6. Grounded with Louis Theroux

7. Archewell Audio 

8. talkSPORT Hit

9. The Smart 7 

10. The Adam Buxton Podcast 

11. Happy Place

12. Call Her Daddy

13. tinpotradio.org: XFM The Ricky Gervais Show

14. Deep Sleep Sounds

15. Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe's Lockdown Parenting Hell

16. My Dad Wrote A Porno

17. No Such Thing As A Fish

18. The Eboys Podcast

19. The Receipts Podcast

20. Today in Focus 





《英国ロイヤルメンバー 2020年 公務数》

12 / 30 (水)

『英国ロイヤルメンバー 2020年 公務数』

Posted by Patricia Treble | Dec 30, 2020 | 

The overall tally of official engagements by working royals, as published in the Court Circular, barely cracked 1,500 and was down 56 per cent from the total in 2019. As usual, the top working royals were Prince Charles (No. 1 by number of engagements) and Princess Anne (No. 1 by days worked).

Of the royals who had the most engagements in 2020, Prince Charles and Princess Anne were both down more than 50 per cent, while Prince Edward and his wife, Sophie, Countess of Wessex, were down 40 per cent, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall was down 45 per cent.

One reason for the overall size of the drop of engagements is that 2020 was the first full year without Prince Andrew, Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex as working royals. Of the three, only Harry had one engagement recorded in the Court Circular, when, on Jan. 16, he held a draw at Buckingham Palace for the Rugby League World Cup 2021. Together, those three accounted for 505 engagements in 2019. So, if you remove them, and Prince Philip, who is officially retired, from the 2020 statistics, then the current crop of working royals had a 51 per cent drop from the previous year, not 56 per cent.



ウィリアム王子は 21%

ウィリアム王子が前回8位→ 今回 3位

キャサリン妃が、前回12位→ 今回8位

ロイヤル・ファウンデーション にリンクしたお仕事。

Of the current line-up of working royals, the Duke of Gloucester, Duke of Kent and Princess Alexandra were all down the most, posting drops of more than two-thirds, compared to their workloads in 2019. That’s not surprising, given all are senior citizens, and thus particularly vulnerable to the new coronavirus. 

Another way to show the oddity of 2020 is to compare the format of engagements at the beginning of 2020 versus during the COVID lockdown, and then after the royals resumed large-scale in-person work in June. Only 56 per cent of all engagements in the year were done in-person, compared to 27 which were done via video conferencing and 17 per cent conducted over the phone.

Royal in
Court Circular
by events
by events
Elizabeth II3*6
Duke of Gloucester99
Duke of Kent1010
Duchess of Gloucester1311
*tie  In 2019, Andrew No. 5, Meghan No. 14










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