
《ハリー王子&メーガン妃 クリスマスカード公開!》《エリザベス女王のクリスマススピーチ》

《ハリー王子&メーガン妃 クリスマスカード公開!》

12 / 23 (水)
























We’re thrilled to receive wonderful Christmas wishes from our Patron, The Duchess of Sussex. 🎄 The Duke and Duchess have also made a personal donation, helping us continue to be there for the dogs, cats and people in our community this winter and beyond. From all of us at Mayhew, two and four-legged, thank you and Merry Christmas. 🐶🐱💜
Clink the link in our bio to find out more! 👆

 message in the card read: 
"This year we, as a family, have made donations to several charities with you in mind.

"From a local California organisation that helps families transition out of homelessness, to two of our UK patronages: one that supports animal and community welfare, and the other, a memorial fund for a cherished friend that helps to educate children and fight poverty in Uganda, we have honoured their work on behalf of all of us."

A spokesman for the Sussexes said about the card: 
“The original photo of the family was taken at their home earlier this month by the duchess’s mother.

"The small Christmas tree, including the homemade ornaments and other decorations, were selected by Archie, and the tree will be replanted after the holidays."

The miniature cottage, designed in a traditional British style, is thought to have been a custom commission and would have cost the couple up to $7,000

Featuring a thatched roof and split stable doors, the playhouse has a 'rustic British cottage' feel and has 'English countryside vibes'

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex showed off a lavish playhouse built for their son in the garden of their home in Montecito, California, in an illustration shared yesterday on the front of their new Christmas card.  The miniature cottage is thought to have been a custom commission and would have cost the couple up to $7,000, toy specialists told



  a black and white image from their summer wedding at Windsor Castle

the playhouse looks strikingly similar to the Wendy house Prince Harry's grandmother the Queen was gifted on her sixth birthday by 'the people of Wales' that remains in the grounds of Windsor’s Royal Lodge. 

The then Princess Elizabeth enjoyed playing there with her sister Princess Margaret and it has been enjoyed by generations of royals since. Prince Charles grew up playing in the house and Princess Eugenie has spoken of her love for it. 

Prince Charles standing outside the Little Welsh cottage at the Royal Lodge in Windsor in England on April 7, 1954

The playhouse was reminiscent of Her Majesty's The Little House, the miniature cottage in the grounds of Windsor’s Royal Lodge where the Queen played as a child. 

The miniature thatched, whitewashed cottage is tucked away from public view in the south side of the gardens of Windsor’s Royal Lodge.

Called Y Bwthyn Bach, or The Little House, it has been a play den for the Queen and subsequent generations of her family for the past 88 years.

The two-thirds size cottage, which measures 24 feet long, eight feet deep and with five feet high rooms, was presented to Princess Elizabeth and her sister Margaret in March 1932 on behalf of ‘the people of Wales’ on the occasion of Elizabeth’s sixth birthday.

Designed by architect Edmund Willmott, who had earlier built a less grand little house for his own daughter to play in, it was intended as a symbol of the love and fascination of the Welsh people for the little princess who was, at that stage, never expected to become Queen. 

Over the years, the Queen’s children have also played in the house as well as her grandchildren - most likely including Prince Harry - and her great-grandchildren. It's thought to hold a special place in the hearts of all the royal children, but Princess Beatrice was especially captivated by it and refurbished the build in 2012. 

A Wendy house fit for a Queen: The history of the tiny Welsh cottage in the grounds of Windsor where generations of royals have played 

The Little House is the miniature thatched, whitewashed cottage in the grounds of Windsor’s Royal Lodge where the Queen played as a child. It is tucked away from public view in the south side of the gardens of Windsor’s Royal Lodge.

Called Y Bwthyn Bach, or The Little House, it has been a play den for the Queen and subsequent generations of her family for the past 88 years.

The two-thirds size cottage, which measures 24 feet long, eight feet deep and with five feet high rooms, was presented to Princess Elizabeth and her sister Margaret in March 1932 on behalf of ‘the people of Wales’ on the occasion of Elizabeth’s sixth birthday.

The Little House (pictured) is the miniature thatched, whitewashed cottage in the grounds of Windsor¿s Royal Lodge where the Queen played as a child. It is tucked away from public view in the south side of the gardens of Windsor¿s Royal Lodge

The Little House (pictured) is the miniature thatched, whitewashed cottage in the grounds of Windsor’s Royal Lodge where the Queen played as a child. It is tucked away from public view in the south side of the gardens of Windsor’s Royal Lodge

Princess Margaret looking down to King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and Princess Elizabeth from the 'Dolls House' in the grounds of the Royal Lodge, Windsor

Princess Margaret looking down to King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and Princess Elizabeth from the 'Dolls House' in the grounds of the Royal Lodge, Windsor

Designed by architect Edmund Willmott, who had earlier built a less grand little house for his own daughter to play in, it was intended as a symbol of the love and fascination of the Welsh people for the little princess who was, at that stage, never expected to become Queen.

The mining communities of the valleys had suffered more unemployment than any other part of Britain during the Depression, and the house, built exclusively by Welsh labour and from Welsh materials left over from the Llandough Hospital, was a poignant reminder of a workforce in despair.

It was also designed as a link between the two little princesses and those who lived in genuine cottages. It gave the sisters the chance to play at keeping an ordinary house - although it was far more luxurious than the vast majority of family homes at the time.

The layout of a typical Welsh cottage was followed for the interior. The front door opens onto a small hallway with a kitchen to the right and the ‘siamber fach’, or Little Chamber, on the left. A staircase gives access to a bedroom and a bathroom, which, when it was first built, was very modern, with hot and cold running water, a heated towel rail and electricity.

The dining room in the Queen's Windsor cottage, with a portrait of the queen's mother and Prince Beatrice's teddies, pictured left

The dining room in the Queen's Windsor cottage, with a portrait of the queen's mother and Prince Beatrice's teddies, pictured left

Princess Margaret sits on the wall of the Welsh House at Royal Lodge, Windsor in 1936
The replica gas stove with sparkling pots and pans beside a washing machine, mangle and apron, in the cottage

Princess Margaret sits on the wall of the Welsh House at Royal Lodge, Windsor in 1936, pictured left, and the replica gas stove with sparkling pots and pans beside a washing machine, mangle and apron, in the cottage, pictured right

The contents included a tiny radio, a little oak dresser and a miniature blue and gold china set. There was linen with the initial ‘E’ and a portrait of the Queen’s mother, the Duchess of York, hanging over the dining room mantelpiece. A bookcase filled with Beatrix Potter’s little books, including Jemima Puddleduck, ensured the girls never grew bored. Lattice windows, blue and white checked curtains, blue carpets and white walls finished off the decor.

The house also contained little books, pots and pans, food cans, brooms, a packet of Epsom salts and a radio licence, all made to order and to scale. In the kitchen, there was a gas cooker and a fridge which both worked. There was even a working, miniature-sized telephone. The house also had its own front garden with scaled down hedges and flower borders.

The presentation of the finished house was preceded by a narrowly averted disaster. When the house was in transit, first by low loader and then by a steam traction engine, the tarpaulin protecting it caught fire, destroying the thatched roof and many of the timbers. Luckily, the Sea Insurance Company had issued a miniature fire policy for £750 on the building and £500 on the contents.

The Queen Mother pictured playing with her beaming grandson Prince Charles in the Little Welsh House at the Royal Lodge in 1954

The Queen Mother pictured playing with her beaming grandson Prince Charles in the Little Welsh House at the Royal Lodge in 1954

Princess Elizabeth as a child in the garden of Royal Lodge, Windsor with Y Bwthyn Bach (The Little House).  The princesses spent many hours cleaning and tidying their tiny home, with Elizabeth in particular developing a reputation for being exceptionally neat

Princess Elizabeth as a child in the garden of Royal Lodge, Windsor with Y Bwthyn Bach (The Little House).  The princesses spent many hours cleaning and tidying their tiny home, with Elizabeth in particular developing a reputation for being exceptionally neat

Craftsmen worked day and night to repair the damage, with the final bill for all the work coming to an estimated £1,100. When it was finally ready, it was displayed at the Daily Mail’s Ideal Home Exhibition at Olympia for the masses to see. It was then reconstructed in Windsor Great Park for Elizabeth and became a favourite pastime.

The princesses spent many hours cleaning and tidying their tiny home, with Elizabeth in particular developing a reputation for being exceptionally neat. This was the children’s domain, and adults, who had to crouch to fit through the door, were admitted only by invitation.

Over the years, the Queen’s children have also played in the house as well as her grandchildren - most likely including Prince Harry - and her great-grandchildren. It's thought to hold a special place in the hearts of all the royal children, but Princess Beatrice was especially captivated by it and refurbished the build in 2012. 

But the Little House in Windsor isn't the only beloved Wendy house belonging to the royal family - because a miniature thatched cottage sits in the grounds Birkhall, Aberdeenshire, the Scottish home of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall (pictured in the Wendy house)

But the Little House in Windsor isn't the only beloved Wendy house belonging to the royal family - because a miniature thatched cottage sits in the grounds Birkhall, Aberdeenshire, the Scottish home of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall (pictured in the Wendy house) 












'Light brings hope': The Queen's powerful Christmas message in full 

'Every year we herald the coming of Christmas by turning on the lights. And light does more than create a festive mood - light brings hope.

'For Christians, Jesus is 'the light of the world', but we can't celebrate his birth today in quite the usual way. People of all faiths have been unable to gather as they would wish for their festivals, such as Passover, Easter, Eid and Vaisakhi. But we need life to go on.

'Last month, fireworks lit up the sky around Windsor, as Hindus, Sikhs and Jains celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights, providing joyous moments of hope and unity - despite social distancing.

'Remarkably, a year that has necessarily kept people apart has, in many ways, brought us closer. Across the Commonwealth, my family and I have been inspired by stories of people volunteering in their communities, helping those in need.

'In the United Kingdom and around the world, people have risen magnificently to the challenges of the year, and I am so proud and moved by this quiet, indomitable spirit. To our young people in particular I say thank you for the part you have played.

'This year, we celebrated International Nurses' Day, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. As with other nursing pioneers like Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale shone a lamp of hope across the world.

'Today, our frontline services still shine that lamp for us - supported by the amazing achievements of modern science - and we owe them a debt of gratitude.

'We continue to be inspired by the kindness of strangers and draw comfort that - even on the darkest nights - there is hope in the new dawn.

'Jesus touched on this with the parable of the Good Samaritan. The man who is robbed and left at the roadside is saved by someone who did not share his religion or culture. This wonderful story of kindness is still as relevant today.

'Good Samaritans have emerged across society showing care and respect for all, regardless of gender, race or background, reminding us that each one of us is special and equal in the eyes of God.

'The teachings of Christ have served as my inner light, as has the sense of purpose we can find in coming together to worship.

'In November, we commemorated another hero - though nobody knows his name. The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior isn't a large memorial, but everyone entering Westminster Abbey has to walk around his resting place, honouring this unnamed combatant of the First World War - a symbol of selfless duty and ultimate sacrifice.

'The Unknown Warrior was not exceptional. That's the point. He represents millions like him who throughout our history have put the lives of others above their own, and will be doing so today. For me, this is a source of enduring hope in difficult and unpredictable times.

'Of course, for many, this time of year will be tinged with sadness: some mourning the loss of those dear to them, and others missing friends and family members distanced for safety, when all they'd really want for Christmas is a simple hug or a squeeze of the hand.

'If you are among them, you are not alone, and let me assure you of my thoughts and prayers.

'The Bible tells how a star appeared in the sky, its light guiding the shepherds and wise men to the scene of Jesus's birth. Let the light of Christmas - the spirit of selflessness, love and above all hope - guide us in the times ahead.

'It is in that spirit that I wish you a very happy Christmas.'  

Her Majesty dons Queen Mother's Shell Brooch while an unseen photo of Prince Philip takes pride of place on the desk 

The Queen donned the Courtauld Thomson Scallop-Shell Brooch which belonged to the Queen Mother while a framed photograph of Prince Philip could be seen placed on her desk during her annual Christmas broadcast at Windsor Castle.  

The monarch, 94, opted for the Mother's Shell Brooch, which, as the name suggests, takes the shape of a shell made of rows of diamonds and singular pearl, while several strings of diamonds in varying lengths dangle underneath.

It was designed by Lord Courtauld-Thomson, son of a famous Scottish inventor, and made in 1919 in London by The Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co., Ltd, before being left to Queen Elizabeth, the future Queen Mother, in 1944 by his sister, Winifred Hope Thomson. 

A prized possession, it was worn by the Queen Mother during her 100th birthday celebrations, and was left to the monarch when her mother passed away in 2002.

Since then, Her Majesty has worn it to several special occasions - including the unveiling of the Queen Mother's statue and Zara Phillips' wedding to Mike Tindall.

The monarch, who donned a purple ensemble, paired her outfit with pearl earrings and a trio of pearl necklaces as she addressed a turbulent 12 months.

Pearls were the Queen's first 'serious' piece of jewellery. When her grandfather George V celebrated his Silver Jubilee in 1935, he gave both his granddaughters pearl necklaces. 

The then nine-year-old Princess Elizabeth received a necklace of three rows of perfectly matched pearls; Princess Margaret, four years younger, got a two-row version.

Among the collection Elizabeth owns today are two stunning necklaces; the 18th-century Queen Anne pearl necklace and the 50-pearl Queen Caroline necklace, both given as a wedding present from her father. 

A photo of a casual looking Prince Philip, wearing a light blue jumper and smart collared shirt, believed to be taken at Sandringham in Norfolk in 2002, was also seen placed on the desk, while unlike last year, there were no photographs of her grandchildren or other family members in display.   

Queen Elizabeth II wearing the Courtauld Thomson Scallop-Shell Brooch during Royal Ascot in 2019

Queen Elizabeth II wearing the Courtauld Thomson Scallop-Shell Brooch during Royal Ascot in 2019

The Queen is spending Christmas with Prince Philip at Windsor Castle, where she is seen giving her annual address 

2019, A SLIMMED-DOWN ROYAL FAMILY: The Queen sits beside photographs of Charles and Camilla (1), Prince Philip (2), the Cambridges’ Christmas card picture (3), and her father George VI

William and Kate say it 'doesn't feel right' to wish nation a merry Christmas this year - as Charles and Camilla share a jolly snap

Prince William and Kate Middleton have said it 'doesn't feel right' to wish the nation a merry Christmas this year and are instead 'wishing for a better 2021' - before sending their thoughts to those who are 'spending today alone', writes Chloe Morgan

Prince William and Kate Middleton have said it 'doesn't feel right' to wish the nation a merry Christmas this year and are instead 'wishing for a better 2021' (pictured)

Prince William and Kate Middleton have said it 'doesn't feel right' to wish the nation a merry Christmas this year and are instead 'wishing for a better 2021' (pictured)

Taking to the official Kensington Palace Twitter, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, both 38, penned: 'Wishing a merry Christmas doesn't feel right this year, so instead we're wishing for a better 2021. For those struggling today, there is support available: @GiveUsAShout @MindCharity @samaritans @theCALMzone @TheSilverLineUK @OurFrontlineUK @NHSCharities.'

'This Christmas our thoughts are with those of you who are spending today alone, those of you who are mourning the loss of a loved one, and those of you on the frontline who are still mustering the energy to put your own lives on hold to look after the rest of us.'  

Meanwhile, Prince Charles and Camilla took to Clarence House social media and wrote: 'Wishing you all a happy Christmas and here's to a better New Year! Christmas tree,' alongside a star emoji.    







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