
《コモンウェルス・デーを祝し、BBCで王室番組放送》《メーガン妃&ハリー王子の爆弾インタビュー ついにOA!》


3 / 7 (日)

Queen stresses importance of 'friendship and unity' as she is joined by Kate, William and other senior royals for Commonwealth Day message hours before Harry and Meghan's Oprah interview airs

  • The Queen has stressed the importance of staying in touch with family and friends during 'testing times'
  • She spoke of a 'deeper appreciation' of the need to connect with others during the Covid-19 crisis
  • She also praised the 'selfless dedication to duty' seen across the Commonwealth, particularly on the front line
  • Comes just hours before Harry and Meghan's interview with Oprah Winfrey is set to air in the US 





Duke and Duchess of Cambridge during their virtual engagement in the Commonwealth Day programme on Sunday



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《メーガン妃&ハリー王子の爆弾インタビュー ついにOA!》

3 / 8 (月)

『CBS オプラ・ウィンフリー氏のインタビュー』



Oprah interview bombshells: Meghan claims she was suicidal when she was five months pregnant, Kate made HER cry and Royals refused to make Archie a prince because they were worried how 'dark' he would be

  • Meghan cradles baby bump throughout the interview before couple revealed to Oprah they are having a girl
  • Duchess says a member of the royal family told Harry they were concerned about how 'dark' Archie would be
  • Meghan said she felt suicidal and told Harry she didn't want to be alive anymore when they were in the UK 
  • Harry denies 'blindsiding' Queen with announcement they were quitting, says Charles stopped returning calls
  • Prince also says he and his brother are on 'different paths' and believes their mother would be 'angry and sad' 
  • Meghan said she was initially welcomed by everyone in royal family, describing meeting Queen for first time
  • But later she said she was 'silenced', felt trapped by palace who she claims banned her leaving for lunch
  • The gender of their baby to Oprah - a girl due this summer;
  • Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, made Meghan cry ahead of the royal wedding - but 'owned it' and apologised;
  • Meghan described meeting the Queen for the first time and having to learn to curtsy from Fergie. Sussexes say they speak to Her Majesty regularly on Zoom and called last week when Philip became ill;
  • Duchess claims she was 'naive' when she joined the Royal Family - and never researched what it would be like or anything about Harry. She said that she was initially welcomed by the royals, but was later 'silenced' and felt trapped. She said officials had 'lied' to protect other royals instead of them and took her 'passport, my driving licence, my keys';
  • Meghan claims a member of Harry's family was 'worried' about Archie's skin colour when asked if he was 'too brown'. Harry was asked about it and refused to say who it was; 
  • Duchess described being cradled by Harry after feeling that she no longer wanted to live; Meghan claimed she begged for help from Palace but denied it because she wasn't a 'paid employee'; 
  • Harry says his family failed to 'support' and 'understand' them and reveals Charles stopped speaking to him and 'cut me off financially', leaving him to use Diana's inheritance;
  • Couple show of the hens they rescued from a factory farm for 'Archie's Chick Inn' as Meghan says they want to 'live authentically' in their LA mansion. Couple also shared unseen picture of Archie at the beach;
  • Harry says he is 'hurt' but 'completely respects' Queen's decision to strip couple of all their patronages, but says he has 'no regrets' about their decision saying: 'I'm really proud of us'. 
  • But Meghan said: 'My regret is believing them when they said I'd be protected.' 

'Back to basics' at their $14.5million mansion: Harry and Meghan show Archie enjoying the beach and reveal his Chick Inn hens they rescued from a factory farm as Meghan says they want to 'live authentically'

  • The couple's son, who turns two in May, made a cameo appearance at the end of the tell-all interview as they told the chat show host he loves the LA lifestyle
  • Archie's latest words were 'hydrate' and 'drive safe', his parents said
  • Meghan claimed she and Harry want to 'live authentically' and get back 'down to basics' as they offered a rare glimpse into life in their $14.5 million mansion  
  • The couple also took the talk show host around their home in Montecito and introduced her to their rescued chickens
  • In the footage, the trio are seen dressed down with Harry donning a pair of wellies as they treated viewers to 'Archie's Chick Inn' coop
  • The bombshell interview aired Sunday night in the US
  • In it, Meghan accused the Royal Family of having 'concerns' about 'how dark' Archie's skin would be before he was born 
  • Meghan said their move to California was 'greater than any fairytale you've ever read' after she was left feeling suicidal while living as a senior Royal in the UK 
  • The hotly-anticipated interview aired the same week that Buckingham Palace launched a probe into allegations Meghan bullied Kensington Palace staff






『メーガン妃の爆弾発言 キーポイント』

アーチー君の誕生前、ハリー王子とロイヤルファミリー との会話で、生まれてくるベイビーがどれくらい”ダークであるか”など、肌の色に懸念を示していた。


③自殺願望を危惧し、どこかで助けが要るとロイヤルファミリー に願うも、王室のイメージを優先された。








『ハリー王子の爆弾発言 キーポイント』



















そして、情報に対しても、 メディアもしくは王室へ疑い浮上?、、、と言うことにならないのか。





















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Meghan feared Archie’s lack of title would affect his safety

Meghan suggested she and Harry wanted Archie to be a prince so he would have security and be protected.

The duchess expressed her shock at “the idea of our son not being safe” and the idea of the first member of colour in this family – not being titled in the same way as other grandchildren.

Archie, who is seventh in line to the throne, is not entitled to be an HRH or a prince due to rules set out more than 100 years ago by King George V.

He will be entitled to be an HRH or a prince when the Prince of Wales accedes to the throne.

As the first born son of a duke, Archie could have become Earl of Dumbarton – one of Harry’s subsidiary titles – or have been Lord Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, instead at the time of his birth, a royal source said Harry and Meghan had decided he should a regular Master Archie Mountbatten-Windsor.

She told Miss Winfrey that it was 'a pretty safe' assumption to suggest that the royal family member was 'concerned' that Archie being 'too brown' was 'a problem'. 

When asked if it was 'important' for Meghan that Archie be called a prince, she said she doesn't have any attachment to the 'grandeur' of official titles.

But she said it was about 'the idea of our son not being safe, and also the idea of the first member of colour in this family not being titled in the same way that other grandchildren would be.' 

Prince Harry - who later joined his wife and Miss Winfrey for the last part of the interview - described the conversation as 'awkward', saying it left him 'shocked'. 

But he declined to reveal anything more about what was said, saying: 'That conversation I'm never going to share.

Oprah asked Meghan if Archie was denied the title of Prince because of he is mixed-race, asking if the palace had concerns Archie would be 'too brown'.

Meghan said: 'In those months when I was pregnant, all around this same time, we have in tandem, the conversation of "He won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title," and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born.'

Oprah then interrupted and said: 'Hold on. Hold up. Stop right now. There's a conversation... about how dark your baby is going to be?' 

Meghan replied: 'Potentially, and what that would mean or look like'.

'And you're not going to tell me who had the conversation?', Oprah asked. 

Meghan replied: 'I think that would be very damaging to them. That was relayed to me from Harry. Those were conversations that family had with him'. 

Oprah asked: 'Because they were concerned that if he were too brown, that that would be a problem? Are you saying that?'

Meghan replied: 'I wasn't able to follow up with why, but if that's the assumption you're making, I think that feels like a pretty safe one, which was really hard to understand, right?' 

Oprah then asked Prince Harry about the conversation, saying: 'Well, what is particularly striking is what Meghan shared with us earlier, is that no one wants to admit that there's anything about race or that race has played a role in the trolling and the vitriol, and yet Meghan shared with us that there was a conversation with you about Archie's skin tone. 

'What was that conversation?'

Prince Harry replied: 'That conversation I'm never going to share, but at the time, it was awkward. 

'I was a bit shocked.'

Oprah asked him if he can reveal what the conversation was about. Harry refused to divulge, saying: 'I'm not comfortable with sharing that.'  

He added: 'But that was right at the beginning, when she wasn't going to get security, when members of my family were suggesting that she carries on acting, because there was not enough money to pay for her, and all this sort of stuff.

'Like, there was some real obvious signs before we even got married that this was going to be really hard.' 

Meghan said Archie becoming a Prince was neither her nor Harry's 'decision to make' and said it was palace officials who revealed Archie 'wasn't going to receive security'. 

When asked if it was 'important' for Meghan that Archie be called a prince, she said she doesn't have any attachment to the 'grandeur' of official titles.

But she said it was about 'the idea of our son not being safe, and also the idea of the first member of color in this family not being titled in the same way that other grandchildren would be.'  

Oprah pointed out that Meghan 'came in' as an actress, a divorcee, an independent woman and 'as the first mixed- race person to marry into the family' and asked if 'being able to fit in' concerned her, and if she thought about it.

Meghan replied: 'Well, I thought about it because they made me think about it.

'But I think, at the same time now, upon reflection, thank god all of those things were true. Thank god I had that life experience. Thank god I had known the value of working.'

She added: 'I've always worked. I've always valued independence. I've always been outspoken, especially about women's rights. 

'I mean, that's the sad irony of the last four years is I've advocated for so long for women to use their voice, and then I was silent.'


Oprah asked: 'Were you silent? Or were you silenced?'

Meghan replied: 'The latter.'

She added: 'Everyone in my world was given very clear directive from the moment the world knew Harry and I were dating to always say "No comment." 

'That's my friends, my mom and dad. 

'And we did. I did anything they told me to do. Of course I did, because it was also through the lens of "And we'll protect you." 

'So, even as things started to roll out in the media that I didn't see but my friends would call me and say, "Meg, this is really bad," because I didn't see it, I'd go, "Don't worry. I'm being protected." 

'I believed that. And I think that was really hard to reconcile because it was only... it was only once we were married and everything started to really worsen that I came to understand that not only was I not being protected but that they were willing to lie to protect other members of the family, but they weren't willing to tell the truth to protect me and my husband.'

Harry also mentioned race as a factor when explaining what he and Meghan needed a 'breath' from when they decided to step back from work as senior royals. 

He said: 'From this... this constant barrage. 

'My biggest concern was history repeating itself, and I've said that before on numerous occasions, very publicly. 

'And what I was seeing was history repeating itself, but more, perhaps... or definitely far more dangerous, because then you add race in and you add social media in. 

'And when I'm talking about history repeating itself, I'm talking about my mother. 

'When you can see something happening in the same kind of way, anybody would ask for help, ask the system of which you are a part of, especially when you know there's a relationship there, that they could help and share some truth or call...call the dogs off, whatever you want to call it. 

'So, to receive no help at all and to be told continuously, "This is how it is. This is just how it is. We've all been through it." 

'And I think the biggest turning point for me was... and it didn't take very long. It was actually right at the beginning.

'This union - us, me having a girlfriend was going to be a thing. Of course it was. But I - I never expected, or I never thought...'

Oprah asked: 'Because she was a mixed race?' 

Prince Harry said: 'No, just...  just the two of us to start with. 

'I hadn't really thought about the mixed race piece, because I thought, well, well, firstly, you know, I've spent many years doing the work and doing my own learning. 

'But my upbringing in the system, of which I was brought up in and what I've been exposed to, it wasn't... I wasn't aware of it, to start with. 

'But, my god, it doesn't take very long to suddenly become aware of it.'

Oprah replied: 'Yeah, because you said you really weren't aware of unconscious bias and all that that represents until you met Meghan.'

Prince Harry said: 'Yeah. You know, as sad as it is to say, it takes living in her shoes, in this instance, for a day or those first eight days, to see where it was going to go and how far they were going to take it.

'And get away with it and be so blatant about it. That's the bit that shocked me.' 

When Oprah asked Harry about how he handled Meghan's suicidal thoughts, Harry said he 'didn't have anyone to turn to'.


He said the family 'have this mentality of: "This is just how it is. This is how it's meant to be. You can't change it. We've all been through it".'

But he added: 'What was different for me was the race element, because now it wasn't just about her, but it is about what she represents.

'And, therefore, it wasn't just affecting my wife. It was affecting so many other people, as well. And that's... that was the trigger for me to really engage in those conversations with senior palace staff and with my family to say, "Guys, this is not going to end well".'

Oprah asked: 'And when you say "end well," what did you mean?', to which Harry replied: 'For anyone it's not going to end well, because the way that I saw it was there was a way of doing things, but for us, for this union and the specifics around her race, there was an opportunity, many opportunities, for my family to show some public support.' 

He said 'one of the most telling' and 'saddest' parts of the Megxit saga was the fact that no royal family members called out 'the colonial undertones' of Meghan's coverage in the media.

He added: 'And that, that hurts.' 

Meghan accused the press of 'attacking and inciting so much racism'.

She said: 'It changed our risk level, because it went... it wasn't just catty gossip.

'It was bringing out a part of people that was racist in how it was charged.

'And that changed the threat. That changed the level of death threats.

'That changed everything.'  


In the most extraordinary royal interview in decades, Meghan also revealed that the Duchess of Cambridge made her cry before she married Harry - but insists she has forgiven Kate who bought her flowers to apologise.

Ms Markle, who said she was 'silenced' by Buckingham Palace officials and felt lonely in London, she was asked about a row with Kate that made headlines around the world after a falling out over dresses for the flowergirls.

Meghan then denied making Kate cry before her wedding in 2018 – and said the opposite had happened. Oprah asked the Duchess: ‘Was there a situation where she (Kate) might have cried? Or she could have cried?’

But the Duchess of Sussex replied: ‘No, no. The reverse happened. And I don't say that to be disparaging to anyone, because it was a really hard week of the wedding. And she was upset about something, but she owned it, and she apologised.

‘And she brought me flowers and a note, apologising. And she did what I would do if I knew that I hurt someone, right, to just take accountability for it.’ Meghan added that it was ‘shocking’ that the ‘reverse of that would be out in the world’.

She continued: ‘A few days before the wedding, she was upset about something pertaining - yes, the issue was correct - about flower girl dresses, and it made me cry, and it really hurt my feelings.

‘And I thought, in the context of everything else that was going on in those days leading to the wedding, that it didn't make sense to not be just doing whatever-- what everyone else was doing, which was trying to be supportive, knowing what was going on with my dad and whatnot.’

Meghan also said: ‘It wasn't a confrontation, and I actually think it's… I don't think it's fair to her to get into the details of that, because she apologised.

‘What was hard to get over was being blamed for something that not only I didn't do but that happened to me. And the people who were part of our wedding were going to our comms team and saying: "I know this didn't happen. I don't have to tell them what actually happened".’


The Duchess of Sussex had claimed she entered the Royal Family 'naively' and didn't do any research about her husband or the institution before entering it.

Describing meeting the Queen for the first time at Windsor and that she was shocked when she was told by Harry would need to curtsy to Her Majesty.

Meghan said: 'That was when the penny dropped. We just practiced and then walked in. We went in and i met her and apparently I did a very deep curtsy, I don't remember it. then we just sat there and chatted. I grew up in LA, I see celebrities all the time. it's not the same. This is a completely different ball game'.


‘Silenced’ Meghan accused royal family of failing to protect her

Oprah asked Meghan: “Were you silent? Or were you silenced?”

Meghan replied: “The latter.”

Ms Markle said she was welcomed by the royals, but then claimed it became more difficult in the run up to the wedding.

She said: 'Everyone in my world was given very clear directive from the moment the world knew Harry and I were dating to always say "No comment." That's my friends, my mom and dad.

'I did anything they told me to do. Of course I did, because it was also through the lens of "And we'll protect you." So, even as things started to roll out in the media that I didn't see but my friends would call me and say, "Meg, this is really bad," because I didn't see it, I'd go, "Don't worry. I'm being protected."

“I believed that and I think that was really hard to reconcile because it was only once we were married and everything started to really worsen that I came to understand that not only was I not being protected, but that they were willing to lie to protect other members of the family. But they weren’t willing to tell the truth to protect me and my husband.”


The Royal Family's 'concerns over the skin colour of Meghan's baby'

When Meghan was pregnant with Archie, she claimed there were “concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born.”

Meghan said there were “several conversations” with Harry about Archie’s skin tone and “what that would mean or look like.”

She said: “That was relayed to me from Harry, those were conversations the family had with him, and I think it was really hard to be able to see those as compartmentalised conversations.”

Asked whether there were concerns that her child would be “too brown” and that would be a problem, Meghan said: “If that is the assumption you are making, that is a pretty safe one.”


Meghan 'just didn't want to be alive anymore'

The Duchess of Sussex has said she got to the stage where she “just didn’t want to be alive anymore.”

Referencing a podcast in which Meghan said “it became almost unsurvivable”, Oprah asked if there was a breaking point.

Meghan replied: “Yeah, there was. I just didn’t see a solution. I would sit up at night, and I was just like I don’t understand how all of this is being churned out and again I wasn’t seeing it, but it’s almost worse when you feel it through the expression of my mom or my friends or them calling me crying just like ‘Meg, they’re not protecting you.’

“And I realised that it was all happening just because I was breathing. And, I was really ashamed to say it at the time, and ashamed to have to admit it, to Harry especially, because I know how much loss he suffered.

“But I knew that if I didn’t say it that I would do it, and I just didn’t…I just didn’t want to be alive anymore.

“And that was a very clear and real and frightening constant thought. 

“And I remember, I remember how he just cradled me and I was… I went to the institution, and I said that I needed to go somewhere to get help.


Charles ‘stopped taking Harry's calls’ ahead of his announcement to leave the Royal Family

Harry said Charles “stopped taking my calls” during the build-up to the announcement that he and Meghan were leaving the royal family.

Taking aim at the media, Harry said: “I asked for calm from the British tabloids, once as a boyfriend, once as a husband and once as a father.”

He blamed a “lack of support and lack of understanding” for their decision to leave the royal family.

Oprah asked if they “blindsided” the Queen with the announcement they were leaving the family.

Harry replied: “No, I would never blindside my grandmother, I have too much respect for her.”Harry said he could “hazard a guess” on where the story came from – that it may have come “from within the institution.”

Asked by Oprah how they knew the Queen was not blindsided, Harry said while in Canada he had “three conversations with my grandmother and two conversations with my father, before he stopped taking my calls.”

He said Charles asked for him to put his plan “in writing”. Harry said he had to act for the wellbeing of himself, Meghan and Archie.

He later added he is prioritising the relationship with his father, who he said is now taking his calls.


Meghan’s battle with loneliness

Meghan described how “people within The Firm” told her she was “everywhere”, and it was suggested by a member of the family that she “lay low” for a while.

Meghan told Oprah: “I said: ‘I have left the house twice in four months, I am everywhere but I am nowhere.’

“I continued to say to people: ‘I know there is an obsession with how things look, but has anyone talked about how it feels? Because right now I could not feel lonelier’.”

She added: “There was very little that I was allowed to do. So, of course, that breeds loneliness.”


‘Silenced’ Meghan accused royal family of failing to protect her

Oprah asked Meghan: “Were you silent? Or were you silenced?”Meghan replied: “The latter.”

Asked if she was told to say nothing, Meghan said: “Everyone in my world was given very clear directive from the moment the world knew Harry and I were dating, to always say ‘no comment’.

“That’s my friends, my mom and dad. And we did. I did anything they told me to do, of course I did, because it was also through the lens of ‘and we’ll protect you’.

“So even as things started to roll out in the media that I didn’t see that my friends would call me and say ‘Meg this is really bad’, because I didn’t see it I’d go ‘don’t worry I’m being protected’.

“I believed that and I think that was really hard to reconcile because it was only once we were married and everything started to really worsen that I came to understand that not only was I not being protected, but that they were willing to lie to protect other members of the family. But they weren’t willing to tell the truth to protect me and my husband.”


Meghan said reports she had reduced the Duchess of Cambridge to tears were a “turning point”, and insisted it was Kate who made her cry.

Meghan said she did not want to be “disparaging to anyone” and claimed Kate apologised with flowers and a note “to take accountability.”

It was not a “confrontation” and it would not be “fair” to Kate to go into detail, she said, adding it was “hard to get over” being blamed for something she did not do.

Meghan said “everyone in the institution knew that wasn’t true” and she hoped Kate “would have wanted that to be corrected”, adding “she is a good person”.

She also criticised what she described as a “polarity” in the coverage of her and Kate.

“If you love her you don’t have to hate me,” she said. 


Meghan on the secret wedding
Meghan: 'Even at our wedding, you know, three days before our wedding, we got married. No one knows that.

'But we called the archbishop, and we just said, "Look, this thing, this spectacle is for the world, but we want our union between us." 

Prince Harry: 'Just the three of us.'

Meghan and Kate argument

Meghan: 'The narrative with Kate which didn't happen was really, really difficult and something that I think that's when everything changed, really.

'The reverse happened. And I don't say that to be disparaging to anyone, because it was a really hard week of the wedding.

'And she was upset about something, but she owned it, and she apologised. And she brought me flowers and a note, apologising.'

On press narrative:

Oprah: ‘So, do you think there was a standard for Kate in general and a separate one for you? And if so, why?'

Meghan: ‘I don't know why. I can see now what layers were at play there. And, again, they really seemed to want a narrative of a hero and a villain.'

On being silent or being silenced

Meghan: ‘‘The latter. Everyone in my world was given very clear directive from the moment the world knew Harry and I were dating to always say "No comment."

'That's my friends, my mum and dad. ‘I did anything they told me to do. Of course I did, because it was also through the lens of "And we'll protect you."

'So, even as things started to roll out in the media that I didn't see but my friends would call me and say, "Meg, this is really bad," because I didn't see it, I'd go, "Don't worry. I'm being protected."

On 'not being protected'

Meghan: 'I think that was really hard to reconcile because it was only once we were married and everything started to really worsen that I came to understand that not only was I not being protected but that they were willing to lie to protect other members of the family, but they weren't willing to tell the truth to protect me and my husband.’

On meeting the Queen

Meghan: ‘We had breakfast together that morning, and she'd given me a beautiful gift, and I just really loved being in her company. And I remember we were in the car.’

'She gave me some beautiful pearl earrings and a matching necklace. And we were in the car going between engagements, and she has a blanket that sits across her knees for warmth.

‘And it was chilly, and she was like, "Meghan, come on," and put it over my knees, as well. I think everyone welcomed me.’

On 'character assassination'

Meghan: ‘I'm talking about things that are super artificial and inconsequential. But the narrative about, you know, making Kate cry I think was the beginning of a real character assassination.

‘And they knew it wasn't true. And I thought, well, if they're not going to kill things like that, then what are we going to do?’

On claims Archie was to be denied security 

Meghan: ‘And that was when they were saying they didn't want him to be a prince or a princess not knowing what the gender would be, which would be different from protocol and that he wasn't going to receive security.  

‘But if you're saying the title is what's going to affect their protection, we haven't created this monster machine around us in terms of clickbait and tabloid fodder.

'You've allowed that to happen, which means our son needs to be safe.' 

On if the titles are important to her?

Meghan: 'All the grandeur surrounding this stuff is an attachment that I don't personally have, right?

‘I've been a waitress, an actress, a princess, a duchess. I've always just still been Meghan, right?

‘So, for me, I'm clear on who I am, independent of all that stuff. And the most important title I will ever have is "Mum." I know that.' 

Meghan on race and the royal family

Meghan: 'I can give you an honest answer. In those months when I was pregnant, all around this same time so we have in tandem the conversation of "He won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title," and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born.'

Oprah: 'Who is having that conversation with you? What?'

Meghan: ‘There were several conversations about it.'

Oprah: 'About how dark your baby is going to be?'

Meghan: 'Potentially, and what that would mean or look like.'

Oprah: 'And you're not going to tell me who had the conversation?'

Meghan: 'I think that would be very damaging to them.'

On UK Press and mental health

Meghan: ‘I just didn't see a solution. I just didn't see a solution. I would sit up at night, and I was just, like, I don't understand how all of this is being churned out. 

‘And, look, I was really ashamed to say it at the time and ashamed to have to admit it to Harry, especially, because I know how much loss he's suffered.

‘But I knew that if I didn't say it, that I would do it. And I just didn't I just didn't want to be alive anymore.

'And that was a very clear and real and frightening constant thought. And I remember I remember how he just cradled me.

‘And I was I went to the institution, and I said that I needed to go somewhere to get help. I said that "I've never felt this way before, and I need to go somewhere."

‘And I was told that I couldn't, that it wouldn't be good for the institution.’

Oprah: 'So, were you thinking of harming yourself? Were you having suicidal thoughts? Meghan: ‘Yes. This was very, very clear.’

On telling ‘her truth’

Meghan: 'I think I'm not going to live my life in fear. You know, I think so much of it is said with an understanding of just truth.

‘But I think, to answer your question, I don't know how they could expect that after all of this time, we would still just be silent if there is an active role that the firm is playing in perpetuating falsehoods about us.

‘That at a certain point, you're going to go, "But, you guys, someone just tell the truth." And if that comes with risk of losing things, I mean, I've lost there's a lot that's been lost already.' 

On the latest royal baby

Oprah: 'For the new addition to your family.

'Meghan said she wanted to wait until you were here to tell us, is it a boy or is it a girl? 

Harry: 'It's a girl.'

Meghan: 'It's a girl.' 

Harry: 'Yes! I'm just grateful, like any to have any child, any one or any two would have been amazing. But to have a boy and then a girl, you know, what more can you ask for?'

'But now, you know, now we've got our family. We've got, you know, the four of us and our two dogs, and it's great.'

Oprah: 'Done? Two is it?' 

Harry: 'Done.'

On leaving the UK

Meghan: 'We didn't have a plan. We needed a house, and he (Tyler Perry) offered security, as well, so it gave us breathing room to try to figure out what we are going to do. 

'It's been so spun in the wrong direction, as though we quit, we walked away, all the conversations of the two years before we finally announced it.'

On Megxit

Harry: ‘Yeah, it was desperate. I went to all the places which I thought I should go to, to ask for help. We both did... Separately and together.'

Oprah: 'So, you left because you were asking for help and couldn't get it?'

Harry: 'Yeah, basically. But we never left.'

Meghan: ‘We never left the family, and we only wanted to have the same type of role that exists, right?'

‘So, we weren't reinventing the wheel here. We were saying, "Okay, if this isn't working for everyone, we're in a lot of pain, you can't provide us with the help that we need, we can just take a step back. We can do it in a commonwealth country." We suggested New Zealand, South Africa.'

On ‘history repeating itself’

Harry: ‘(We wanted to) Take a breath. From this constant barrage. My biggest concern was history repeating itself, and I've said that before on numerous occasions, very publicly.

‘And what I was seeing was history repeating itself, but more, perhaps or definitely far more dangerous, because then you add race in and you add social media in.

‘And when I'm talking about history repeating itself, I'm talking about my my mother.' 

Harry on the press

Harry: 'You know, as sad as it is to say, it takes living in her shoes in this instance, for a day or those first eight days to see where it was going to go and how far they were going to take it.

‘And get away with it and be so blatant about it. That's the bit that shocked me.

'This - the UK is my home. That is where I was brought up. So, yes, I've got my own relationship that goes back a long way with the media. 

'I asked for calm from the British tabloids once as a boyfriend, once as a husband, and once as a father.'

Why did Harry and Meghan leave?

Harry: ‘Lack of support and lack of understanding.'

Oprah: 'So, I want clarity. Was the move about getting away from the UK press? Or was the move because you weren't getting enough support from the firm?

Prince Harry: ‘It was both.’

Harry and ‘blindsiding’ the Queen

Oprah: 'Did you blindside the queen?'

Harry: 'No. I've never blindsided my grandmother. I have too much respect for her.'

‘My grandmother has been amazing throughout. You know, my father, my brother, Kate and all the rest of the family, they were. 

'They were really welcoming. But it really changed after the Australia tour, after our south pacific tour.’

Harry on his relationship with Prince Charles

Harry: ‘When we were in Canada, I had three conversations with my grandmother and two conversations with my father and before he stopped taking my calls and then said, "Can you put this all in writing what your plan is?" 

'I put all the specifics in there, even the fact that we were planning on putting the announcement out on the 7th of January.

Oprah: 'So, you just said that your dad stopped taking your calls. Why did he stop taking your calls?'

Harry: 'Because... I took matters into my own hands. It was like I need to do this for my family. This is not a surprise to anybody.

'It's really sad that it's gotten to this point, but I've got to do something for my own mental health, my wife's, and for Archie's, as well, because I could see where this was headed.'

Harry’s claim that his family is ‘scared’ of the press

Harry: ‘No from my family ever said anything over those three years. And that hurts. But I also am acutely aware of where my family stand and how scared they are of the tabloids turning on them.

'Yes, but it's there is this invisible what's termed or referred to as the "Invisible contract" behind closed doors between the institution and the tabloids, the UK. Tabloids.

On being ‘trapped’ in royal life

Oprah: 'How were you trapped?

Harry: ‘Trapped within the system, like the rest of my family are. My father and my brother, they are trapped.

'They don't get to leave. And I have huge compassion for that.'

On Netflix and Spotify

Harry: 'Yeah, it exists. But, also, the Netflix and the Spotify, they're all that was never part of the plan.'

Meghan: 'We didn't have a plan.'

Harry: 'We didn't have a plan. That was suggested by somebody else by the point of where my family literally cut me off financially, and I had to afford security for us.'

Oprah: 'Wait. 'Hold up. Wait a minute. Your family cut you off?'

Harry: 'Yeah, in the first half, the first quarter of 2020. But I've got what my mum left me, and, without that, we would not have been able to do this.'

Harry’s relationship with his family

Harry: 'I've spoken more to my grandmother in the last year than I have done for many, many years. We did a couple of zoom calls with Archie.

'My grandmother and I have a really good relationship...'

Oprah: 'Your relationship with your father? Is he taking your calls now?'

Harry: 'Yeah. Yeah, he is. There's a lot to work through there, you know? I feel really let down, because he's been through something similar.

‘He knows what pain feels like, and this is and Archie's his grandson. But, at the same time, you know, I of course I will always love him, but there's a lot of hurt that's happened.

‘And I will continue to make it one of my priorities to try and heal that relationship.’

Oprah: 'Yeah. And your brother? Relationship? Much has been said about that?'

Harry: 'Yeah, and much will continue to be said about that. You know, as I've said before, I love William to bits. He's my brother.

'We've been through hell together. I mean, we have a shared experience. But you know, we're on we're on different paths.’

On the future

Harry: ‘I'm sad that what's happened has happened, but I know, and I'm comfortable in knowing that we did everything that we could to make it work.

'And we did everything on the exit process the way that-- the way that it should have been done.'

On taking away his patronages

Harry: ‘I am hurt. But at the same time, I completely respect my grandmother's decision.

'I would still love for us to be able to continue to support those associations, albeit without the title or the role.'

Meghan’s one regret

Meghan: ‘I have one. My regret is believing them when they said I would be protected. I believed that.

'And I regret believing that because I think, had I really seen that that wasn't happening, I would have been able to do more.

‘But I think I wasn't supposed to see it. I wasn't supposed to know.

‘And now, because we're actually on the other side, we've actually not just survived but are thriving.’

The main bombshells from the Oprah interview

- Meghan's mental health

The Duchess of Sussex revealed she had suicidal thoughts and said: 'I just didn't want to be alive any more.'

She said she begged for help, and asked to go somewhere to get help, and approached one of the most senior people in the institution, but was told it would not look good.

The duchess said: 'I said that I needed to go somewhere to get help. I said that I've never felt this way before and I need to go somewhere. And I was told that I couldn't, that it wouldn't be good for the institution.'

- Baby Sussex is a girl

Harry and Meghan revealed they are expecting a baby girl.

The duke joined his wife in the second half of the interview, and told the chat show host: 'It's a girl.'

He said his first thought was 'amazing' when he discovered they were having a girl, adding: 'Just grateful. To have any child, any one or any two, would have been amazing.

'But to have a boy and then a girl, I mean what more can you ask for? Now we've got our family, we got the four of us and our two dogs.'

Asked if they were 'done' with two children, Harry said 'done' and Meghan said: 'Two is it.'

She also confirmed the baby is due in the 'summertime'.

- Royal family accused of racism

Meghan said, when she was pregnant with Archie, an unnamed member of the royal family raised 'concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born'.

Asked whether there were concerns that her child would be 'too brown' and that would be a problem, Meghan said: 'If that is the assumption you are making, that is a pretty safe one.'

Pushed by Winfrey on who had those conversations, Meghan refused to say, adding: 'I think that would be very damaging to them.'

She added: 'That was relayed to me from Harry, those were conversations the family had with him, and I think it was really hard to be able to see those as compartmentalised conversations.'

- Archie's title

Meghan suggested she and Harry wanted Archie to be a prince so he would have security and be protected.

The duchess expressed her shock at 'the idea of our son not being safe', and the idea of the first member of colour in this family, not being titled in the same way as other grandchildren.

Archie, who is seventh in line to the throne, is not entitled to be an HRH or a prince due to rules set out more than 100 years ago by King George V.

He will be entitled to be an HRH or a prince when the Prince of Wales accedes to the throne.

As the first born son of a duke, Archie could have become Earl of Dumbarton - one of Harry's subsidiary titles - or have been Lord Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, instead at the time of his birth, a royal source said Harry and Meghan had decided he should a regular Master Archie Mountbatten-Windsor.

- The Prince of Wales

The Duke of Sussex said his father the Prince of Wales stopped taking his calls while Harry and Meghan were in Canada 'because I took matters into my own hands. I needed to do this for my family'.

He said Charles wanted him to put his plans in writing.

- The Queen

Harry denied that he had 'blindsided' his grandmother Queen with the bombshell statement about stepping down as senior royal.

The duke said he believed the report probably could have come from 'within the institution'.

- The Duchess of Cambridge

Meghan said Kate made her cry ahead of her wedding.

Reports circulated ahead of the Sussexes' nuptials that Meghan left Kate in tears at Princess Charlotte's bridesmaid dress fitting.

But Meghan told Winfrey the 'reverse happened'.

Meghan said she was not sharing the information to be 'disparaging', but added it was 'really important for people to understand the truth'.

'She's a good person,' the duchess added.



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ピアスBirks》”Bee Chic Blue Topaz earrings”(=@Sentebale polo march)

ペンダント《Pippa Small》” Aquamarine Collette Pendant”

 "I am so honored she chose to wear this piece. It has brought us attention at a time when work has been challenging for us all this past year, and this certainly gives us a boost.
Meghan is again showing her solidarity with ethical brands." Pippa added, "We wrote to Meghan a few years ago and told her about the work we do with many charities, communities, and also ethical projects with fair trade and fair-mined gold all over the world."

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ダイアのブレスレット《ダイアナ妃ジュエリー》”Diana's shimmering tennis bracelet”(=2018年 @トンガレセプション)

 The bracelet is an incredibly special piece for the couple, not only because it was Harry's mother's, but two stones from the bracelet were used to craft Meghan's three-stone engagement ring. People magazine learned Meghan chose the bracelet "so Diana could be with them" during the interview.

(=2018年 @トンガレセプション)

Diana wearing the bracelet in 1997

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